Kelly McNelis
permission to be real, granted

Kelly McNelis
permission to be real, granted

Hi, I’m Kelly

Throughout my life, I’ve worn lots of different hats. I’ve worked in boardrooms and ashrams. I’ve blended two families and six children. I’ve brought women from more than 50 countries together in my passion for uplifting women’s voices. I’m a devoted mom, wife, author, and businesswoman who knows that putting on your own oxygen mask is the only way to survive and thrive. These experiences are all a part of me—the good, the bad, and everything in between. I’m messy, I’m genuine, and I’m perfectly imperfect.

Throughout my career and personal life, I have helped women all over the world emerge stronger. I have empowered women like you to become the brilliantly messy woman you naturally are. That’s why I decided to create inspirational women’s courses, retreats, and events—just for you. 

Now that you’re here with me, it’s time to share your own perfectly imperfect self.

Permission to be real: granted

my formal bio

Want to get messy with me?

Let me inspire you to take action on the regular. Plus, I’ll tell you Why I Love My Fat, and other messy truths.


How I share my messy brilliance

I write

I have a lot of thoughts about a lot of things. My bestselling book, Your Messy Brilliance: 7 Tools for the Perfectly Imperfect Woman, is a love letter to women everywhere. I believe the “truth” of who we are and what we are capable of lives in our messiness. Messiness has negative connotations in our culture—after all, “hot mess” is hardly a compliment—but to me, it signifies a person’s wholeness.

As women, we beat ourselves up for being too emotional, too chaotic, too much of everything that actually makes us the powerful, creative, brilliant people we are! The things we believe make us imperfect or not enough are actually the places where our highest potential for joy and creativity lives. And that kind of mess is hot.



I mentor and nurture

Most of all, I pour my time into creating courses for bold and powerful women who want to make a difference, make life happen, and act on their dreams. 

In addition, I hold intensive retreats that give bold, brave, truthtelling women the opportunity to be completely real about what’s going on in their lives (the kind of real that can be hard to share with even our closest friends and loved ones)—reminding them of their potential to step up, speak out, and shine. 

Finally, I offer hour-long Clarity Calls to passionate, curious, committed women who are ready to make powerful changes in their lives.


I speak

I’m a speaker and workshop facilitator. Everything I talk about boils down to helping women reclaim their voices so they can live life unapologetically and on their own terms. My workshop topics range from teaching women to dive into conflict and hard conversation to helping them cultivate the kind of supportive sisterhood that will change their personal and professional lives for the better.


Wf1, women inspiring women, living an authentic lifeMessy brilliance, Kelly McNelis, personal experience stories

“Embrace your messy brilliance!”

– Kelly McNelis


O! Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine: The Power of Story

Movements like #MeToo and #TimesUp are inspiring women to find their power, their voice, and their confidence—and to claim their stories, rise up, and take action. It’s a moment in time that Kelly and Women For One are fully on board with. Find out more about the evolution of Wf1, from a story-sharing platform to a powerful global community that hosts transformative events like the signature Truthteller Tour. Read here.

King 5: Empowering Women To Overcome Sexual Harassment And Abuse

In this conversation with King 5, Kelly speaks out about the recent #MeToo phenomenon. She offers her feedback on how we can empower women to stand up against the culture of power and abuse by allowing our voices to be heard—and by speaking up on behalf of all those who aren’t ready to speak out about their most painful stories. Watch here.

Lux & Concord: Women We Love – Kelly McNelis, Founder Of Women For One

“I truly believe that when women connect with each other — across all our differences and unique perspectives—we effect change on a major scale.” In this Q&A, Kelly talks about her new book, how she balances her work life and professional life, and what it really means to support other women in your tribe. Read here.

The Huffington Post: #MeToo And Changing The Culture Of Power

Kelly writes in depth about the phenomenon of #MeToo and why it’s so important to demand accountability of those who are in positions of power. She also sheds light on why talking and writing about some of our most painful experiences can bring about a sense of healing, connection, and solidarity with other women—and why this is so revolutionary when it comes to transforming the world and stepping into genuine power. Read here.

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