Do you want clarity in your life?

I’m here to guide you to it.


Do you want clarity in your life?

I’m here to guide you to it.


Sessions with Kelly

I have connected with thousands of women around the world and supported them in making life happen on their own terms. Drawing from over two decades of experience as a women’s advocate, speaker, author, and teacher, I am excited to offer an intimate one-on-one experience to support you in your journey.

Hour-long clarity calls and healing sessions offer you the opportunity to be completely real about what’s going on in your life—the kind of real that can be hard to share with even your closest friend. I will hold space for you with compassion, truthfulness, and nonjudgmental support—all the while reminding you of your true potential to step up, speak out, and shine in your life. These sessions can be in person through my Earth energy healing modalities, or online through a clarity call.

What is a Clarity Session?

A chance to clarify who you are and what you want—permission granted to be totally real—and to create powerful solutions with the help and feedback of someone who isn’t afraid to tell it like it is (yeah, that’s me)!

The Clarity Call process is both comprehensive and unique. It begins with completing an inventory form to discover the truth of who you are: your passions, hopes, challenges, areas for growth, and places where you are already shining. Our work together will be conducted with intention, purpose, and specific milestones that we can address together. Each call will also be preceded by a smaller intake form that will assist me in making our time together as focused and clarifying as possible.

If you’re ready to step into your messy brilliance and boldly express yourself in the world, clarity sessions are for you!

schedule a free 15-MINute CLARITY CALL

Ready to get clear?

Once we receive your payment, my team will reach out to schedule your session and send you any additional information.

schedule a FREE 15-MINute clarity CALL

Sharing THE love

“In the tender months after my father died, Kelly lovingly and masterfully provided a space for me to heal and know myself. She is efficient and together we quickly clarified my priorities. She then supported me step by step, keenly aware of the goals I set for myself. She was also incredibly generous in sharing her resources and “Bag of Tricks.” After every session, I had new insights and actual tools in hand to go forward with my own growth. I continue everyday to build on the work we did together, ever grateful and looking forward to sharing more in the future.”

Rabbi Tamara Kolton, Ph.D., Author of Oranges for Eve: My Brave, Beautiful, Badass Journey to the Feminine Divine

“Kelly McNelis is a wayshower for women! The amazing community that she has created, has literally changed the lives of thousands of women since its inception. Kelly gives us all the opportunity and permission to stand up, speak up, and share our light with the world, in our own unique way. It is a mission that inspires me to be a better woman. She reminds us of the power of the feminine, the sisterhood that has been so easily ignored, and calls us into inspired action.”

Sunny Dawn Johnston, Author of Invoking the Archangels and The Love Never Ends

“Kelly McNelis began inspiring me the first moment we crossed paths. Her warmth, dedication, and enormous heart uplift our world. It is my great hope that her voice spreads like wildfire across the globe. Why? Because it is filled with love.”

Annie Burnside, Author of Soul to Soul Parenting

“I connected with Kelly over the Internet, through our shared vision of making the world a better place, particularly for women. The minute we “met” on Skype (I am on the other side of the world in Australia), I was instantly drawn to her warmth, her generosity, and her raw authenticity. To be honest, I had never met another person who matched her passion. We have collaborated on The Global Sisterhood, and I consider Kelly not only a dear friend, but a soul sister – someone who constantly inspires me to continue on my path and to continue to live in my truth and power. Kelly and her vision will make a massive difference in the world.”

Lisa McGillivray, Founder, Positive Women’s Movement

“The truth about women is that they are inherently sexy. The power of feminine nature and the value of resurrecting a feminine culture shouldn’t be underestimated. Women who are awakened to the truth of their bodies know no limits. I teach women about the Erotic Creature, the Feminine Geniuses, and the 5 Layers of Sexy because knowledge is power and power is sexy! There is no shame in fully owning and being empowered by the gifts women are bestowed with. Kelly is an amazing woman who is helping to stoke the flames of the feminine campfire we must work to keep aflame. The truth is to be celebrated, so I celebrate Kelly’s work in helping the feminine rise!”

Sheila Kelley, Founder of S Factor