exclusive live webinar


exclusive live webinar

Find Your People, Claim Your Power

Women have known one truth since the beginning of time: in order to be the best version of yourself, having the right co-pilots on the journey is crucial. Being surrounded by supportive, encouraging women is something that every single one of us craves, and for good reason.

Join us on January 19th at 2 p.m. EST/11 a.m. PST to cultivate key practices for finding your power and forming your most fabulous tribe of soul sisters in 2016!

Why do we need this conversation?

Women’s natural thirst for community, connection, and great relationships is part of the glue that makes for lasting social bonds. We spend lots of time and energy creating relationships, people, and places that we can take refuge in—and not only does this nourish us in our own individual lives, but it makes for thriving communities. In other words, we know in our bones that “every woman for herself” just isn’t going to cut it. We know that our friendships and the people in our tribe, especially other women, are so important when it comes to living into our highest potential.

It’s easy to forget just how important it is to be surrounded by people who have our backs and offer us a clear reflection of our greatness. So join us in a powerful and needed conversation for all women.

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Here’s What We Will Talk About

Together, Kelly and Cara will walk you through the steps to creating an inspirational tribe of real women who are committed to making life happen!

This webinar will not only help you identify the key elements in forming stronger relationships with the women in your life—it’ll also give you the tools you need to:

+ Identify exactly what you want and need from the women in your tribe.
+ Say goodbye to toxic connections.
+ Invite in mutually empowering new relationships that nurture and support you.
+ Sustain those relationships so that you can create a strong, unshakeable community of women.

Meet Your Hosts

Kelly McNelis

Kelly McNelis is the founder of Women For One, an online community of women ready and willing to make life happen. She travels the world as a speaker, teacher, and facilitator of workshops, helping others tap into lives powered by truth. With over 20 years’ experience as a nonprofit and small business consultant, Kelly is excited to empower generations of women around the world to become Women For One Truthtellers, building relationships, community, and the support structure they need to achieve their wildest dreams. She finds her own daily inspiration in spending time with her husband and children in their home outside of Seattle, and is currently writing her first book.

Cara Bradley

Cara Bradley is an author, yoga teacher, former pro-skater for Team Rollerblade® and entrepreneur having devoted more than three decades to movement disciplines and personal transformation. She is the founder of Verge Yoga in Philadelphia, speaks at conferences and universities nationwide, and offers on-demand classes and international retreats. She is the host of the new Women for One Podcast, Real Women, Courageous Wisdom. Cara shares her personal journey in her popular weekly blog Cara Bradley Unveiled. Her upcoming book, On The Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine (New World Library) will be available in 2016.

Join us on January 19th at 2 p.m. EST/11 a.m. PST to cultivate key practices for finding your power and forming your most fabulous tribe of soul sisters in 2016!

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