Our ground rules and answers to your questions
Our ground rules and answers to your questions
Our process
Write. Words are powerful. Use up to 800 and no less than 400. Submissions up to 1,000 words will be edited (and cut for brevity if necessary); anything longer than that will be sent back to you for a revision.
If you are submitting a video post, please provide us with a short intro to the video that is up to 300 and no less than 100 words. Be sure your video is under 5 minutes!
Submit. Fill out our simple submission form, follow the link that takes you to the editorial payment page, and click the submit button when you’re ready. Whew! You’re done with the hard part!
Connect. You’ll hear from us within 24 hours acknowledging that we’ve got your submission.
Get edits. Your story will be reviewed by our editor within a week, sometimes more depending on the number of submissions we are dealing with. She will do one of three things: 1) Accept it. 2) Reject it if it is in violation of our terms and mission. 3) Send it back to you with suggested tweaks to either keep it in compliance with the rules or to help you connect with and empower our community.
Go live. Once your story has been accepted, it will be queued for posting and you’ll get an email about your exact publication date so you can prepare for it and let folks on social media know.
Join us. You’re now part of our tribe—in our last email to you letting you know your story is live, you’ll get access to the private FB group for Wf1 Truthtellers and a special welcome gift.
Our guidelines
What kind of story should I submit?
A Truthteller story is a piece of vulnerable personal sharing that can be about anything: a life lesson you learned at the age of five that has stuck with you until today, a difficult or powerful transition or transformation, or even the kind of laugh-out-loud story that you just can’t make up. As long as it’s personal, inspirational, and straight from the heart, we want your story! Truthteller submissions should always showcase your most impactful life lessons and experiences, without being preachy. However, if you wish to find out more about sharing your services, products, and events on our website, check out our Promotional Post Kit here.
For the sake of privacy, can my story be anonymous?
Absolutely—you can be anonymous, use a pseudonym, or simply include your initials. However, please be sure to include a two-sentence bio that gives our readers a sense of who you are, regardless of whether you are writing under your real name or not.
Can I write about my business or a special project I want to promote?
Your story can include one link to your personal website or social media, but please note that we publish personal stories, not promotional pieces. However, we offer our community members the chance to share the stuff they’re up to via special sponsored posts to be featured on our homepage. Click here to learn more about sponsored posts.
What about stories and images that have been published elsewhere?
Even though we would much prefer that your writing for Wf1 be original, you may submit previously published work—if the website allows it—but please include all appropriate credits and links back to the original site. If you include images, you must have permissions or the rights to use them.
Do you have style guidelines?
We follow Chicago style, for anyone who, like our editor, spends lots of time thinking about those kinds of things. We reserve the right to edit all content for grammar.
How often can I submit?
Submit as often as you like, but keep your content fresh. Please choose new ideas for each submission.
Can men share their stories, too?
Of course, especially if those stories reflect some aspect of their feminine nature, or perspectives on women in the world and the wisdom acquired from them.
Will you waive the editorial fee if I’m already a Truthteller on your site?
Our editorial fee is for both new and recurring Truthtellers. Due to the volume of submissions we receive, we are instituting a nominal fee to support Women For One with administrative costs. Not to mention, this fee enables us to give you more thorough feedback on how to make your story shine and share it with as many truth seekers as you possibly can.
Do I have to pay the editorial fee for every submission I send you?
Yes, the editorial fee is required for each unique submission.
Do you have any other tips on how to write my story?
Yes. Keep it PG-13! We don’t accept stories with obscene sexual content, or intolerant or
hateful speech. Also, be inclusive and open-minded. Remember that our community is beautifully diverse. That said, we publish a wide range of pieces that reflect a variety of viewpoints, none of which necessarily reflect Wf1 and our team’s beliefs. In deciding what to publish, we do our best to be as inclusive as possible and to consider the needs and passions of our entire, beautifully diverse community.
We invite submissions that are radically honest and truthful; however, all submissions must include a constructive lesson that will empower and be of benefit to our readers. (In other words, if your sole intention is to badmouth your ex or vent about why the people in your life are to blame for your pain, we are not the right place for your story.)
How soon will I hear back from you after submitting my story?
You will receive a confirmation email immediately after submitting to us. Please check your spam folder if you don’t see it within a few hours of submitting. We strive to publish stories within a couple weeks of receiving them, but this is not a guaranteed timeline. Although we publish hundreds of stories a year, the Wf1 staff is tiny and we wear a lot of hats. We have one editor who, when she isn’t busy creating content with the team, is pouring lots of time and attention into making our community’s stories pop with awesomeness and truth. That said, be patient and respectful. We do our best to respond to all emails and concerns about your story, so if you don’t hear from us after reaching out, please give us a gentle nudge.
Now that you’ve read through this, click here to share your story.