11 Tips To Expand Your Awesome Business When It’s All On YOUR Shoulders
We are all beyond busy these days, but say that to any author, healer, or solopreneur, and they may just give you a death stare that says: YOU HAVE NO IDEA, SISTER. The mountain that she needs to climb may seem insurmountable at times. (Insert: exhale, inhale).
With the hopes of helping you get clear and know that you CAN make your business happen, I’ve compiled a list of 11 practical things I have learned—and sometimes even re-learned—as an author and solopreneur who is doing many things herself.
1. Stick with inexpensive technology options to reduce costs as you get started. Become familiar with other systems as you grow so you’ll also know what fits your needs. Post a question in any business Facebook group asking what other people use, and you’ll receive a slew of recommendations. Free trials, free plans, low-cost starter packages—all of these offerings are on your side. A few good ones: Acuity Scheduling, MailChimp, Expertise.TV, FreeConferencing.Com.
2. Focus on small goals as you build. Overwhelm happens easily, but you can rein it in by getting three or four things done in a day.
3. Automate and systemize everything you can. It is easier than ever to set up instant email responders, easy landing pages, or automated payment options. All of these are your FRIENDS.
4. Stop stressing about your email list size (seriously). It will grow as you continue to share quality content that brings your audience value. You may need to pay to promote on social media because that is normal these days.
5. Time IS on your side—but you have to be in control of it. We all have 24 hours in a day, and if you can dedicate 3 or 4 of them to your business on a daily basis, you will be in a very solid place in no time.
6. Connect with mentors who know what you’re doing. Ignore those who do not know what it means to be an author, healer, inspired creative, or solopreneur right now. A mentor needs to know exactly what it’s like to have everything on your plate so they can guide you through it.
7. If something you launch falls flat (read: 0 sign-ups), re-group quickly and look at what needs to change to attract your audience. Focus on what they want and look at whether you are addressing their needs clearly. Many people experience failure with a program—I know this one!—and you just have to keep going by making adjustments that are more timely and enticing.
8. Always test a new program, service, or book with a small group of people you trust before it goes live. This could save you A LOT of time later when it is more widely available and harder to change/update/correct. Catch those bugs and errors sooner rather than later.
9. Ongoing support matters because it is way too easy to be in your head and lose perspective of what you’re creating. You need others who can answer your questions and whom you can support in return, too. Just to know others are in the same boat can do wonders for your energy.
10. Your definition of success will change as you grow. You’ll be elated by some numbers and excited when new clients show up—yay! Appreciate the “wins” when they arrive (and move on from the “not wins” quickly) so you can keep following what calls to you.
11. Give yourself kudos for what you have done so far. The learning curve may feel steep at times—especially for any new aspect of your business that you begin, like podcasting or video—but it will all be worth it as you stay committed to a long-term plan.
And remember, the bigger perspective is that we are so very LUCKY to be able to pursue our dreams right now because it is easier than ever before. Heck, it’s easier now than even six years ago when I launched my second website; it took FOREVER to upload an image, let me tell ya.
There is more than enough room for all of us to be successful with our ambitions, whether you are wanting to generate more book sales, create a more stable monthly revenue, or just get a solid foundation for your business. If you’d like support with your business, I would love to make it easier for you, too.
Come on over to watch three free videos with unique perspectives on how to think of your role for the long term, being cautious about receiving business advice, and why growing your email list is not the MOST important thing (really). Plus, download an Online Essentials Checklist with Time Management Tips so you can tackle everything on your mind with better results.

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