April 7, 2014
Ahri Golden, Award-Winning Public Radio Producer, Photographer, and Mother of Two
In 2009, when my daughter was a baby she cried for what seemed to be all night long, every night, for two years. I discovered the one thing, even more than nursing, that calmed her, and kept my sanity, was singing. Then, in

2010, when my son was five years old, I became adamant that he take music lessons. After a few lessons he said, “Mom! I don’t want music, YOU want music!” He was right. It was the ah-ha moment. After an award-winning public radio career of turning the microphone on mothers nationwide to capture their intimately personal experiences about pregnancy, birth, and motherhood, I realized, in that moment, something was fundamentally missing from my work, something that came to me in the wee hours of night. For the first time, I was moved to turn the microphone toward my own journey. Since then, I worked intensively with David Rosenfeld to hone my voice. In doing so, a wellspring of 10 original songs emerged. In June 2013, I ran a successful Kickstarter Campaign and raised over $15,000 to co-produce, with David, my debut studio album, Delve.
Ahri Golden
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