You Can’t Shoot a Cannon From a Canoe
This beautiful submission from frequent Truthteller Lisa Kohn reminds us of the importance of taking a moment to slow things down. She takes aim...

Are You Afraid?
In this powerful submission Lisa Kohn chooses love and life over fear. She reminds us that if we are not careful, fear can get in the...

Anorexic Thinking Gets In The Way
Lisa Kohn writes about an epiphany regarding the present moment and how she is influenced by her thought patterns. She has been thinking in...

Yo Soy Una Buena Madre
La historia de hoy llega a una parte profunda de muchas de nosotras. Con su historia de su viaje a la maternidad nos recuerda...

Feasting My Eyes
Awareness, presence, noticing. In a fast paced world we often forget to stop and reflect on the beauty in moments. Lisa Kohn reminds us...

Acceptance Is The Answer To All My Problems
It is sometimes so very challenging to accept that things are as they are supposed to be. We learn in this story about...

I Don’t Believe In New Year’s Resolutions But…
What do we actually notice around us? Do we take the time to truly reflect on and appreciate where we are and what we...

But I’ve Been Doing Yoga For So Long!
In the midst of a yoga class, we learn about life lessons in accepting and in surrendering to ourselves. Process requires patience with oneself...

There’s A Message In A Banana
We get so swept up in everything happening around us and feeling the need to have it happen exactly as it should…but maybe if...

What Would Life Be Like If I Didn’t Have To Be The Strong One?
Lisa Kohn always saw herself as the strong one, unbreakable and able to withstand everything. In this submission she explores how she started to...

Good News Is Boring
Lisa Kohn offers her perspectives on why we are so often focused on the negative, both in the news and our lives. She invites...

I’m A Good Mother
Lisa reaches a deep part in many of us with her story of her journey of mothering. She reminds us of the simple truth that...