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Sue Davey

Sue is a coach, mentor, mum and entrepreneur. Legacy and charity are important to her, she has been financially supporting several children through World Vision for over 20 years, contributing to other charities, and has recently established a children’s charity supporting disadvantaged children and families achieve their full potential. From the age of 14, Sue has been studying successful people, personal development and success strategies. She understands the power of having a coach and mentor to achieve success.

Secrets of Successful Women Revealed

Success Coach and mentor, Sue Davey, shares her personal journey from crisis to a place of success and passion – and how you can...

Mastermind Success Coaching & Mentoring

The Sue Davey International Coaching and Mentoring Programs were founded on Sue’s desire to help empower women to unlock their full human potential and...

International Consciousness Women Community Event Interview Featuring Sue Davey & Kelly McNelis

Women for One founder Kelly McNelis had the pleasure of working with International speaker, author and success coach Sue Davey, who founded and hosted...