International Consciousness Women Community Event Interview Featuring Sue Davey & Kelly McNelis
During our discussion, Kelly’s wisdom, business advice and desire to bring women together to share their stories and experiences provided many insights about creating action for a better future.
Kelly’s interview began with her confession that she, like most women, has suffered her share of challenges. Sharing and getting to know the background of one person goes a long way. It not only improves your relationship with and perception of that person, but also gives you the opportunity to improve your feminine principle of soft power, focused nurturing and mutual respect.
She shared that, after a difficult point in her life following her divorce, she decided that she was desperately unhappy because she was living a life that was dictated and based on the expectations of others.
Kelly shared that she realized she needed to understand why she made the choices that she had and take responsibility for them. “We all need to take action in our lives and not be ashamed of our history and our story. Those stories are like fragments when you pull them together; they’re who we are.”
Women For One was born to create a space for women to share their stories, not as victims but from a place of strength — like people who have “risen from the ashes.”
There are three main lessons I Iearned from Kelly during the course of our conversation, which I believe many other women in search of their true authentic self will benefit from:
1. The Importance of Storytelling
Sharing our stories, especially for women, allows us to separate our authentic selves from our history, and look at it from what she calls a “greater perspective.” Unveiling our truths also contributes to empowerment, allowing us to take action and also allowing us to define where we will continue to go in life. She shared that, at the very core of it, when each of us shares our stories, “You don’t feel alone.” Sharing and hearing the experiences of others fosters connections, and it is within these connections where we find real power.
2. Create Your Toolbox
Kelly’s advice is for each of us to create our own toolbox of empowerment based on our experiences and advice from others we trust. She then provided her top seven tools for empowerment:
i. Curiosity: Recalling your childhood, being open to all experiences and being curious and non-judgmental is crucial because it’s the first step to expanding your perspective, personal acceptance and understanding of the meaning of empowerment in your life
ii. Awareness: Being aware of your own story, experiences and lessons begins with curiosity and asking questions. Being aware of your thoughts, emotions, life experiences and all other aspects of yourself will allow you to get to the root of who you are.
iii. Intuition: After curiosity and gaining awareness, listen to that quiet whisper that steers you. It’s important to learn how to tune into that voice and exercise it. When you sense your intuition, trust it.
iv. Surrender: It’s not a matter of giving up, but rather “allowing your life to happen with ease” and accepting the journey of life, however it unfolds for you.
v. Choice: You must courageously commit to your conscious choice and understand that you are not a victim. You make your life happen through the decisions you make because you are the result of your decisions.
vi. Ownership: Own your life. You can only move toward progress when you accept responsibility for your choices, actions and reactions.
vii. Action: This is the totality of all the tools, aside from envisioning limitless possibilities. You must make constant and intentional actions in your life.
3. Peace and Joy
While we all want immediate action and progress, it all begins with ourselves. One of the first steps we must take, according to Kelly, is for each of us to love and forgive ourselves and others. It’s been said by many successful leaders that holding onto something painful or negative only hurts you. Accepting and forgiving yourself and realizing you’re more than your past will free you towards empowerment, and ultimately bring peace and joy into your life.
I am personally grateful for Kelly McNelis’s involvement and contribution to the International Conscious Women Community online first annual event.
Love and success to you all,
Sue xox

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