Dream it. Live it. Be It.
What is an inspired life? How exactly does one measure or quantify inspiration? I believe that an inspired life is a life that lives in perfect harmony within a person’s passion, profession, and personal life. It’s the inspiration we find that gives us the foundation for creating true and lasting change.
“Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now! Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future.” —Earl Nightingale
Many of us keep waiting for something to happen until we can be happy. But the truth is, happiness is a decision. We can decide to be happy, regardless of our circumstances, and we will attract more happiness. Live your life as if you already have all the things you desire and watch what happens next. Living a happy life is a great way to live!
Growing up in the suburbs of Portland, Oregon, I had a dream of becoming a model and actress. I was blessed with a family that supported my vision, and as a child, I began my quest to make it happen. I was represented by ABC Kids and continued working pretty regularly as a teen and young adult. By 2008, I not only became a host on The Golf Channel and a featured coach on MTV’s popular show MADE, but I was running my very own talent agency, The Murphy Talent Group. I was living an inspired life, but the universe had so much more planned for me, as the recession hit and I had to close the agency. I lost everything.
I never stopped dreaming. I packed up and moved to Los Angeles to continue my pursuit, and I worked for E! TV doing red-carpet premieres. Then, after sitting for hours in an audition waiting room, I had this moment of clarity that I could create for myself what I really wanted. I had a talent for teaching and wanted to serve others who had a story or mission to share, but didn’t feel comfortable enough in front of the camera. The rest, as they say, was history. Inspired Living was born, and the incredible life I live continues to evolve.
Now as an entrepreneur, TV host, and speaker, I have developed a four-part program that has helped so many attain incredible results in achieving happiness and success in all areas of their life, be they personal or professional. This may sound simplistic, but following these principles will help you to be clear and focused as you navigate from finding your inspiration to taking the leap to fulfill your goals.
It is important to write out what is it you want and then decide to make it happen. You have to decide that you can attain your goals. A true belief in your ability to effect real change in your life will help you make a solid commitment to following through.
Nothing great happens without the dedication to see it through, but this is hard to come by if you haven’t fully embraced the decision to make it happen. Dedication should encompass many facets of your life, from the decisions you make on a daily basis that can affect the outcome of your goals to the people you choose to surround yourself with who can either support you or drive you off your path.
The actual legwork of your journey comes here. To put your plan in action, you need to develop who and/or what you need to become in order to make the goal happen. Don’t be afraid of your potential. Embrace the YOU that you desire to be, and don’t shy away from developing the greatness that is within you.
Time to let the world know! You’ve had the courage to dream of your goal—now you get to live it and be it. Keep in touch with the journey you’ve taken to get here and revisit it when necessary. Life change can be an evolutionary process and requires an ongoing commitment to keep it up, but take this opportunity to truly be the change you’ve worked so hard for and continue to live to your full potential.
Happiness comes when you feel you are on the right path, doing what you do best. Inspiration comes easily when you can experience this real joy in your life. You just have to make the decision to dream, live, and be.

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