The Unstoppable Fire Within Me

I grew up experiencing two sides of my personality in school and later in my life. After turning 21, I realized the importance of the two most important characteristics of a human being: namely, self-awareness and individuality.

I was nine years old when I was diagnosed with a pancreatic cyst. Doctors gave up on me, but my mother did not. She used to whisper in my ear every day: “I did not give birth to a loser; you have to get up and live.”

I think that ignited the fire within me. After my surgery in Delhi, I decided to meet with Miss A. Joseph, who happened to be my school principal. She understood every child’s worth and she knew how seriously I took the challenge to progress forward in life; hence, she challenged me to score above 75% in order to continue with my classmates.

I just stared at her and said, “Yes, I will.”

After four months, I was standing in the same line where my classmates were praying for grade 5 A. Now, I give my heartfelt thanks to all the lovely teachers who knew how far could I go.

The ability to fight against evil and the will to keep moving forward take you ahead. You become what you think you can. As a woman, I believe in the power of love and kindness! I turned into an introverted extrovert who raised her voice against wrongs in society and fought against “not so cool” Eve teasers (a euphemism for those who publicly harass women in public) and people who engaged in body shaming.

It took me two years to understand my true potential (well, I am still working on it). The year 2013 brought a lot of good vibes and celebrations for me on the personal front. Studying in an institution like NIFT, Mumbai, for four years changed my life.

I was declared diabetic while I was still weaving my dreams, but my family was supportive, and I figured out how to continue studying as others did.

Currently, I am working as a senior digital designer at Times Internet in the Design & Marketing domain, with the hope to take the company to new heights of greater glory.

I would like to wish you all a very bright future, and to remind you to live like there is no tomorrow.

About the Author | Nidhi Agrawal

Nidhi Agrawal is a soft-hearted woman born and brought up in Patna, India. She believes in the power of love and kindness. She is a 24-year-old communication designer who has fought with her pancreatic disorder for 15 long years, followed by diabetes. Currently, she is working with Times Internet in Mumbai.

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