Hope is a Traveler
Among my favorite inspirational books is this poetry collection by Susan Frybort. I hope that each of you adds Hope is a Traveler to your winter reading list. There is nothing better to snuggle up to beneath a warm blanket with a hot cup of tea.
In this entrancing poetry collection, Susan Frybort reminds us of the glory that resides at the heart of everyday living. With poems that read like sacred correspondence between our hearts and our essence, we are called to remember the wonderment of life’s ever changing tide. Whether it be in the call of a mourning dove, a contemplative shore, or a field of golden wild grass, the reader is left with no choice but to embrace hope in a transitory world.
Written with a depth of insight and compassion seldom seen, this is the rarest of first collections. Love and nature poems coalesce like a reverential hymn to the beloved: the beloved at the heart of every breath, the beloved that calls to us as wind, the beloved that resides on the bridge between our hearts. Through Frybort’s eyes, there is profound significance in all things perceived small. Absolutely everything is the beloved. Hope is a Traveler is an homage to the miracle of true being. Get a copy here.

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