I’m Aiming For An A-
I was having a discussion with someone recently about how hard we all try (well, okay, about how hard I try). At everything. Really, at everything. Even though I think I’ve stopped trying that hard. They recommended I aim for an A-, instead of an A.
“Instead of an A,” I laughed. “Who aims for an A?” When I was in sixth grade my teacher made up a grade for me, A-WD, A, With Distinction. I had gotten too many A++’s and she needed a new grade for my work.
Now, I may have gotten great grades because I was smart and I worked hard, and I may have gotten great grades because I worked too hard…at everything. In the past I’ve tended to make sure that I always did the best I could. In everything. And when my efforts, or results, were less than stellar, I hated it. And probably myself.
So it was recommended I try for an A- and I like that idea. I may even let myself slip to a B sometimes. Not everything is worth doing perfectly. Not everything is worth the extra effort. And besides, many would argue, there is no such thing as perfect. Or perhaps – the Zen way – everything is perfect just as it is?
I’m aiming for an A-. I’m stopping my story here, not writing more, and letting it (and me) be enough. I’m going to go enjoy the rest of my day, rather than working towards my A-WD.

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