Moving Through the Monkey Mind
I’ve noticed the weirdest thing. I “organize” during meditation. I’m making to-do lists and checking things off. I’m thinking through the intricacies and little details of my life. I’m remembering people I have to call and things I have to get done.
And I’m supposedly meditating.
And I’m letting it be okay.
I find myself lost down a rabbit hole of tasks and responsibilities, not sure how I got there. I pull myself back to my breath. I hear myself reminding myself of something I need to not forget, and trust that somehow I’ll think of it later and pull myself back to my breath. (Although sometimes I meditate with a pad and pen next to me, so that I can jot down the tasks running through my brain so that I can pull myself back to my breath.)
I feel myself overcome with the lists of errands and phone calls and chores, and I take a deep breath, trust the universe will somehow remind me later, and pull myself back to my breath.
I don’t organize as much when I’m not deep in meditation. I’m not sure if it’s my mind showing me how frenetically I’m going, or if I have too many details I’m trying to take care of, or if it means nothing.
I just know that I organize during my meditation practice, and when I notice myself doing so, I try to smile, take a breath, and dive back in.
Previously published: https://www.lisakohnwrites.com

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