My Christmas Wish
You gotta have a dream, If you don’t have a dream,
How you gonna have a dream come true?
― Rogers and Hammerstein, Happy Talk
I have a goal I visualize every year in December. I want to illustrate the White House Christmas card. My dream took root when I received a Christmas card from the Clinton’s in 1994. They began sending them to me after I created a portrait of their daughter, Chelsea. The card painted by Thomas McKnight, grabbed hold of me and I thought, “I want to do that.” Since that time, during each presidency, I’ve submitted card concepts to the Office of the First Lady for consideration. All the rejections I’ve received have been gracious and none have deterred me.
If I can dream of a better land, Where all my brothers walk hand in hand, Tell me why, oh why, oh why can’t my dream come true?
― Walter Earl Brown, If I Can Dream
The full color rendering above is my favorite holiday card concept. It’s entitled, “Christmas in the Blue Room.” That’s were the official White House Christmas tree is displayed each year. I drew it when President Bush was in office. I couldn’t resist incorporating the Bushes’ dogs Spotty, Barney, and their cat, India, in my illustration. I love the idea behind this piece. America’s children gathered around the official tree speaks of the melting pot of souls that makes our land great. That they are hand in hand signifies unity. We are all one in this country. Children are born knowing that but it often fades when they begin to model themselves after the adults in their lives. My art shows the beauty in the contrast of our citizens. It speaks of the innate love for each other that we’re born with. As adults, how do we cross the boundaries of fear and intolerance to join together in peace and friendship? The quickest way to get there is through the eyes of a child.
Sue Shanahan

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