Peace Salad (100 Tips to Inspire a Peaceful Life)

Sandy Corso is the Founder of Peaceful Daily, an online community that inspires its tribe to live their lives in a way that promotes compassion and connectivity. Founded on the mantra, “Think good. Eat whole. Walk far,” Peaceful Daily reaches thousands of readers each day with encouragement and recommendations focused on these themes. Peace Salad, a celebration of living with purpose and manifesting your dreams, is a compilation of the most popular Peaceful Daily tips. Small yet mighty, Peace Salad is filled with powerful messages. Having weathered many storms, Sandy speaks from experience and applies each of these tips to her own life. She often returns to the messages in these pages, and she hopes you will as well. Whether trying to make the most of an ordinary day or overcoming impossible challenges, you can discover peace by applying the principles and philosophy inside these pages. For more information and to purchase this book, click HERE.

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