Renouncing Spirituality
I hereby declare that I am a not a spiritualist. I do not ascribe to the New Age spiritual movement. I’m simply a soulful and grounded human being with a heart and a yearning to understand myself, this universe, this world, and the people who inhabit it. I don’t need an organized belief system that engages in judgment, hierarchy, or especially the notion that throwing “love” and detaching from personal circumstances will heal the world. I will no longer apologize for not understanding spiritualists who live in a broken reality and feel that through their “specialness,” they can save it.
The “New Age” movement has all of the characteristics of a traditional religion yet it hides behind a curtain that claims it as all-inclusive. Well, I have news for everyone: It is not. We are here on this earth to co-create, to grow, and to include everyone. We are here to feel our emotions and experience the physical nature that we were born into. We are not here to be special or separate and especially not to simply “love our hurts away.”
The beauty of life comes from the exploration of the pain and the messiness of screwing up and learning from our mistakes. That’s where we find the awareness and “enlightenment” we have all been searching for since the beginning of time. No one has answers to our questions except the all-knowing Soul that each of us possesses.
From now on, I will engage my tribe, the soulful ones (people I have connected deeply with throughout my life’s journey), and I will only subscribe to belief systems that are self-generated from a place of experience of the world, humanity, and the universe. My definition of the soulful ones has nothing to do with whether or not they are part of a movement or a religion.
Soulful ones to me, are:
- Ones who appreciate transparency and authenticity at the rawest level.
- Ones who inspire others with their devotion to truth and humanity.
- Ones who take conscious responsibility for the reality that has been created.
- Ones with compassionate hearts that fall in love with the world and its inhabitants each and every day, over and over again.
And, most importantly,
- Ones who step into action to manifest a powerful vision for life.
I invite each of you to define your own personal belief systems that resonate with your individual spirit. Find your tribe, and experience life in all its greatness. This, in my experience, is how you live in peace and joy through all the days you inhabit the earth.
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