Simplicity and Gratitude
It has been quite the month for me personally and professionally. You know when you have one of those months that is filled with the highest joy and the depths of sorrow all wrapped up into one? That describes November 2011. The quotes and pictures we are posting truly carried me through the weeks. With each experience I encountered throughout the month, I challenged myself to see the beauty and lessons in them. Whether they were perceived as positive or negative, there was so much to learn from each moment. I challenge each of you to look at the lessons in each experience in your life and grow from them.
My husband’s father passed away this month quite unexpectedly, and I watched Yom (my husband), all in one moment, open his heart and speak beautifully about his relationship with his father, while being true to his grief. The beauty of witnessing his authenticity just reconfirmed my love for him and reinforced to me what an incredible human being I am married to. Joy and grief all wrapped up into one.
Additionally, Women For One highlighted Soulumination throughout the month, with touching and courageous stories by people that have been touched by this special organization. Another experience of joy and grief. I could not be more proud to be leading the board for Soulumination. Thank you all for your support throughout the month in spreading the word about our mission and donating to our cause.
The month of December’s theme for Women For One is plain and simple – Simplicity. We all need to simplify our lives in any given period of the year. But the holiday season truly gives all of us the opportunity to practice simplifying our actions, our thoughts, and our feelings. This month, WF1’s team will give you tips to de-stress, streamline and encourage simplicity in all areas of your life. We will provide unique gift lists and links for you through social media and our website; our favorite recipes for the holiday season; and ideas for socially responsible gifting. Additionally, we will highlight a few of our dear friends that created successful businesses you can purchase from for the holiday season.
Please join me in spreading Simplicity and Gratitude this month of December. Notice the beauty in every situation and just breathe!
With Great Respect and Love,
Kelly McNelis Senegor
Women For One

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