The Mysterial Woman: Upgrading How You Live, Love, and Lead

The Mysterial Woman is not something we invented. She is a natural phenomenon we discovered and named. We believe she is being called forth now from within women to meet this extraordinary era of human evolution.

Many women are feeling the limitations of an outdated model of leadership. The old models for living, loving, and leading are based on a worldview that for over 5,000 years has been continuously tilted in the extreme toward masculine values, styles, and ways of making sense of reality.

This was not a mistake. It was exactly what had to happen for humanity to evolve. But this hypermasculine paradigm of wholeness is no longer sufficient for the full emergence of our potential.

We need another image of the future.

[arve url=”″ title=”Mysterial Woman” duration=”3 minutes and 47 seconds” /]


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About the Author | Suzanne Anderson

Suzanne Anderson is a change agent for women change makers. As a psychologist, author, executive coach, speaker and transformational facilitator she has dedicated the past 15 years of her career in leadership development to decoding an embodied, integral, and accelerated pathway to awaken consciousness and leadership capacity in women. In her global online programs and retreats she guides women through her proven pathway to do the deep work of upgrading their inner operating systems and becoming a match for these complex times. She is the co-author of the award-winning book The Way of the Mysterial Woman: Upgrading How you Live, Love and Lead. You can find her and the Mysterial Community at

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