To the Girl Who Feels She’s Not Enough
While getting ready this morning, I started thinking back on this past weekend. When I got back from wedding dress shopping, my fiancé kept asking to see the dress, and joked that it wasn’t fair that he couldn’t see it. I reassured him that it was worth the wait and he would love the dress. That it was the type of dress that made me feel beautiful immediately.
Without skipping a beat, he responded, “You always look beautiful, though.” I laughed it off with some awkward comment about how there was no way I looked good at the moment, and that he was just trying to sweeten me up so he could see the dress. He smiled, turned the TV back on, and simply said, “Well, to me, you are.”
I truly believe that you will meet two types of people in your life. And how you react to each type will determine your outlook on yourself and others. The first person will be someone who tells you that you are NOT enough, and whose actions will make you feel as though you are inadequate. The second type of person will be someone who makes you feel special from day one. This person will speak words of love and encouragement into your life, whether you feel like you deserve it or not. This is the type of person who you’ve done nothing to gain their sweet words, but they give them freely.
When we feel like we’re not enough, it’s easy to push this second person away. It’s easy to tell them that they’re wrong or they must be blind, because they’re not seeing what we see. Instead of pushing the second person away, shove the first one into another state. Because this world needs more love, so why not start with loving yourself?

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