Why I Love Jensine Larsen, Founder of World Pulse (check out our conversation)

I am honored to introduce Jensine Larsen, Founder of World Pulse. When I first saw Jensine speak at a conference last year, I instantly felt connected to her. My conversation below will inspire you to take action to support women from around the world. I love her mission and she is truly one of the most inspiring women I have met in my lifetime. Check out World Pulse’s mission and get involved to support women digitally from around the globe.

World Pulse is a powerful online community of women and allies worldwide who speak out and build solutions to today’s biggest challenges. They empower women leaders on the ground by advancing their digital skills and leadership to mobilize around the world and create real social transformation. Today, tens of thousands of women from 190 nations are using WorldPulse.com to start movements and pressure global leaders to take a stand on the issues affecting their lives, ranging from the allocation of economic resources to securing leadership at all levels of society.

Their mission is to accelerate the global changes women seek by using digital communication to unite and amplify women’s voices, solutions and impact worldwide.

This is a powerful interview that you must watch. We feel everyone MUST listen to this interview so we’ve made the mp3 available for download. If you don’t have time to watch right now, download the mp3 to take with you on the go! Let us know if you like the option of downloading the interview on mp3 by leaving us a comment below.

About Jensine: Unstoppable award-winning digital entrepreneur, international journalist, and speaker Jensine (Yen-See-Nah) Larsen is the founder of World Pulse, a global digital network connecting tens of thousands of women from 190 countries and bringing them a global voice. Today through World Pulse women leaders are building global movements, launching businesses and changing harmful cultural practices ultimately impacting over 2 million lives. Over the last decade Jensine has pioneered World Pulse magazine, digital empowerment training for frontline women change makers, and WorldPulse.com – a state-of-the-art mobile, multi-lingual social network platform that enables women on the ground to speak for themselves and connect to solve global problems.
Part I
What you’ll learn 
2:45 Why we NEED to invest and empower woman across the world
4:30 Why Jensine started World Pulse
10:30 Ways that you can get involved
12:40 Find out the single greatest way you can help a woman in the World Pulse community
18:35 How a women-only cyber cafe in the Republic of Congo empowered hundreds of women
Part II
What you’ll learn
0:25 Ending the stigma of shame during menstruation
2:30 Why being silent is more deadly than speaking up
7:20 The silent practice of breast ironing and how women are raising awareness
10:30 Why women in the west need to awaken to their power
14:30 Why the western world doesn’t have it all figured out
15:00 How we are going to change the world
Jensine Larson

About the Author | Jensine Larsen

Unstoppable award-winning digital entrepreneur, international journalist, and speaker Jensine (Yen-See-Nah) Larsen is the founder of World Pulse, a global digital network connecting tens of thousands of women from 190 countries and bringing them a global voice. Today through World Pulse women leaders are building global movements, launching businesses and changing harmful cultural practices ultimately impacting over 2 million lives. Over the last decade Jensine has pioneered World Pulse magazine, digital empowerment training for frontline women change makers, and WorldPulse.com - a state-of-the-art mobile, multi-lingual social network platform that enables women on the ground to speak for themselves and connect to solve global problems.

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1 comment to "Why I Love Jensine Larsen, Founder of World Pulse (check out our conversation)"

  • Judy Kleinert

    Dearest Jensine,
    After just listening to your interviews , I am thinking of the little girl growing up in our town and visiting your home and following you through school. I hope to visit Carol as soon as I return to Mt. HOREB from Washington Island ,Wi. Where I spend part of the year. I also need to contact others here and in M. H. To introduce them to you and World Pulse. I Must get involved, now that I understand how W. P. operates. Carol can help me with the technology and encourage the spreading of the word.

    I still see the beautiful child in you and it makes me smile.
    Bless you and all who are sharing your dream. 