5 Powerful Steps to Discover Your Truth

Women For One is a destination for women who are ready to make life happen. Rather than accepting what comes your way, Wf1 encourages you to take action to get what you desire and deserve out of life. Defining your personal truth is one way you can take action on your journey of self-discovery. You may be asking yourself, “What do you mean by “Truth?” Your truth encompasses who you are and what you stand for. Below are some ways you can uncover your authentic self.

Face Your Past

Your past just is, but it does not define you. Once you have accepted that what’s done is done, you can begin to define yourself on your own terms. You will no longer be trapped by decisions or experiences you once were chained to.


Let Go

As in any journey, the more you carry with you, the slower you will progress. Let go of whatever is holding you back from moving forward. Some things to look for are insecurities, negative people or destructive habits.

 Look Within

One way to look within is to meditate. Take time to decide who you want to be and what you want out of life. The opportunity to whole heartedly meet your soul is one we all must take at some point. Get real with yourself.


Explore Your Curiosity

Now that you know what you want, you can explore y dreams and aspirations to uncover what brightens your soul. Try new activities and surround yourself with positive people you are aligned with. As you explore new ventures with wonder, you will begin to feel fulfilled.


Choose Freedom

Mental and emotional freedom is a choice one must make each day. Choose to be happy and choose to be “you,” authentically.


Have you had your own moment of clarity? Share your journey with Women For One to inspire all women to take action in their lives!

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About the Author | Kelly McNelis, LLC

Women’s advocate and bestselling author of Your Messy Brilliance.

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