
My name is Stephanie Kong and I’m an 18 year old singer-songwriter. Growing up, I didn’t have much and had been through a period of abuse, seeing my sisters delve into drugs/alcohol, trying/understanding people by being around the homeless, and being around my dad with his gambling addictions and etc. My songs primarily touch base on those issues and about experiences of being bullied like how I was in school. I self-taught and began performing around the age of 15 and since expanded my repitoire and had earned recognition among many news, radio, and other outlets. The song Her, which is an example of many personal issues, is about a personal experience with suicide I had during my junior year of high school where a schoolmate talked me out of on Facebook. I had no friends and did whatever I could to support her with her activities. However, she did not feel the same way and sorta got caught up in the high school mentality. The song is about respecting her and being thankful for experiences even though things hadn’t worked out the way I intended. Hope you like my songs!


“Her”…What defines “Her?” May be it was those blue eyes, the smile, and the brown hair that she often interwove her fingers with when I was around her in school. No, she was much more complex as much of us are in today’s society. Or was the product of the cookie-cutter, rich community I was born apart of? If that is the case, could mob mentality really pressure and compel us, the majority of human beings, to conform and do as little to help others if it costs us something in the end?




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About the Author | Stephanie Kong

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