Spring Renewal


As the days lengthen, we absorb more light and more sun into our bodies. We feel an energy coming to wake us up from the winter sleep/hibernation.

Yes, with spring’s arrival, we feel more inspired by life. We have lived inside more during the winter months – inside our homes, inside our minds. We did not brave the energy of winter with creative minds and bodies.

So we may find ourselves feeling a bit stuck like the sun is shining on us suddenly, and we need to wake up, but our body is still tired or stiff. However, we feel inspired by this light we hungered for.

Spring is the time to jump on this wave of inspiration we are feeling inside of us! It is talking to our body and soul! It is time to look at your dreams and re-create them. The energy is with you. As you finish this period of craving, you will find you have too many stuck energies that impede you to fly right away. Be it physical or spiritual.

The energies of this new moon, the energies of the earth bringing more light and creative energy will bring you the winds of change in your life. You will feel them. You will feel like you are waking up from a kind of sleep.

Take this opportunity to honor that change of energy. The universe is helping us to re-create who we are, to re-evaluate our vision of life and what lays inside us, all of these energies we have compiled. I am talking about the things we have created in our projects of life, but also our way of thinking, our ideas, and our judgments.

It is time to re-evaluate and think about the following things;

What is belonging to me?

What is in me that is heavy and unnecessary?

What should gently transform into what I believe in?

What is stopping me from my dreams?

What is not my truth, my reality that I will gently shift away?

What is heavy within me that is creating weight in all I am trying to achieve?

Does it sound like a spring-cleaning? Totally.

It is a mind and body cleansing. In order for your soul to retrieve a clear ground of play and creativity, I suggest you create yourself a clearing plan.

Every morning stay within yourself, meditate, write down your feelings about this clearing. Answer those questions freely. Create yourself a dream plan. Though don’t forget gentleness and patience for yourself as it can take a month or more.

You will feel the new energies entering your energy field, your body, your mind, and spirit. As you open the field, you will clear away old energies that block the fresh energies from coming to benefit you.

Clearing away old energy you do not need, nor align to, is part of the ritual in this time. It is so important to allow the renewal of your energies and obey the laws of nature.

Create a ritual for yourself, a process to bring you to where your heart wants you to be. Start receiving those vibrant energies during your meditations, body exercises, and rituals.

Be in nature as much as you can – as it is a more vibrant way to physically feel the new energies.

You will see or feel the spark in you. It will inspire you to create new things in your life. You will come up with another idea of yourself!

It is a never-ending process.

You will be surprised with yourself.

Life is a surprising path full of the unexpected…

Embrace it, love it and enjoy it!



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About the Author | Karen Ruimy

Karen Ruimy is a frequent Truthteller who has learned that passion, purpose, and happiness aren’t outside of us; they are within. She is an inspiration and a testament to the power of listening to your own inner voice. She reminds us to be fearless and act on our own intuition.

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