Chaquis Maliq…Soulful Musician and Woman
Wf1: At Women For One we strive for authenticity while also encouraging our community to do the same. What is your personal definition of authenticity?
Chaquis: Authenticity is all about reflecting the realness in ourselves in a meaningful way. When authenticity is in your daily life practices, it is a beautiful thing. I’m not saying to just let anyone into the windows of your soul, but allow the inner beauty to shine, so no one has to search for who you really are. In order for this to work, one must know herself, by spending time alone and figuring out what makes her tick.
Wf1: What tools do you think women need to empower themselves?
1. Women need to own up to their insecurities/subconscious fears and not be afraid of who they really are.
2. Surrounding oneself with like minded individuals that will build you up to keep you there, and not to build you up just to knock you down.
3. Discover your attributes and feed them.
4. Explore your weaknesses, own up to them, improve them.
But I want women to understand that empowerment does not mean independence. We all need someone. That someone could very well be a man for some women. However, substituting empowerment for independence can lead you to misery. For some women it may be a woman that is needed. By all means, relationships exist between two people, whether its a companion, brother, sister, friend, spouse, etc.
The key is discovering and accepting.
Wf1: Can you tell us about your music and what inspires you creatively?
Chaquis: My music can get very eclectic, but that’s the best part of it. One day I want to do a jazz influenced song, and tomorrow I want do a rock driven song. I’m inspired by many sounds and scenarios. I mostly just write what my heart tells me to write, when it comes to lyrics. I make sure that I do not write from an angry place, because my listeners often times depend on me to help them through life’s changes. I’m a visionist and executor. So, I am constantly creating musical projects as well making a statement in an artistic way.
Wf1: Do you have any new music coming out or upcoming shows that our community can check out online or in person?
Chaquis: My newest project is “Harmonies of Me”, released on June 26th. This project is my first musical adventure with my Guitar aka Mr. Maliq. My goal was to create something that would reflect my transition from producer to musician and singer-songwriter, while keeping my supporters intrigued lyrically and melodically.
Mr. Maliq and I are currently on Tour. The next stop is my hometown, San Francisco’s – The Lost Church – July 26th (I’ll most likely make some impromptu appearances as well in the area). August 17th, I will be making me debut performance at ArtsQuest in Bethlehem, PA. Harmonies of Me tour will then visit Atlanta for a 3 day mini tour – August 29th-31st.
Wf1: What is your future vision for women throughout the world? How do you see women evolving in the next 2050 years?
Chaquis: Well, if Wf1 keeps growing and we develop and courageous girls to be India.Aries’, Queen Latifah’s; and well rounded women; this will be a world dedicated to healing. Afterall we outnumber the men. (*Laughs*)
Wf1: What few words or piece of advice do you have for the Women For One Community?
Chaquis: Keep the faith. Whether it’s in yourself, God/Universe, or just believing that you are here for a reason and complete your mission. When you fall just get back up and finish. Faith and Failure are not soulmates. (Something I say to my supporters all the time)
With Great Respect and Love,
Kelly McNelis Senegor
Founder, Women For One

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