A Conversation with Ash Beckham

Although Ash Beckham didn’t set out to become a viral sensation with her TEDx talk “Coming Out of Your Closet,” her emphasis on empathy, respect, and the power of striking up difficult conversations contributed to more than 8 million YouTube views. As an “accidental advocate,” Ash reaches millions every day and teaches people the importance of “not being quiet and giving ourselves permission to be allies.” I spoke with her recently about the importance of knowing what you stand for so you can motivate major shifts—individually and socially.

About Ash: Ash Beckham is a bold, dynamic presenter who speaks about empathy, respect, and the power of having real conversations. Online videos of her TEDx talk “Coming Out of Your Closet” and her Boulder Ignite speech “I am SO GAY” have gone viral with more than 5 million YouTube views. Significantly, her message has also become a topic of global discussion. Ash reaches millions every day as her inspiring speeches are experienced in classrooms, boardrooms, and auditoriums around the world.

It's so critical to not be quiet and to give ourselves permission to be those allies. -Ash Beckham Click to Tweet

Everyone out there sharing their stories are inspiring people they don't even know. -Ash Beckham Click to Tweet

What we talked about:
4:00 – Ash discusses her TedTalk
6:35 – The benefits of sharing your story with others
15:30 – The 3 rules
20:00 – Are we being inauthentic by being too progressive
24:55 – Reactions from the younger generations on being gay
28:45 – Why it’s important to know what you stand for
(Need the time when I combine the two) – How sharing your story can change others lives

About the Author | Ash Beckham

Ash Beckham is a bold, dynamic presenter who speaks about empathy, respect and the power of having real conversations. Online videos of her TEDx talks “Coming Out of Your Closet” and "Owning Your Duality" and her Boulder Ignite speech “I am SO GAY” have gone viral with more than 10 million YouTube views. Significantly, her message has also become a topic of global discussion. Ash reaches millions every day as her inspiring speeches are experienced in classrooms, boardrooms and auditoriums around the world.

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