“Day of Giving” and Birth
As I sit here on the eve of my 43rd birthday my heart wells up with gratitude for every single moment of my life. Gratitude truly is the key to happiness. The more love and gratitude I focus on, the more I receive. The more I give, the more I receive. The more I love, the more I am loved.
I have had an interesting life. One that many say I could write several books about! (You know who you are). I feel like I am at a turning point in my life. I spent the first years of my adult life feeling victimized and resentful. Then I moved into the “trying to be normal” phase. That completely did not work. After this phase, I moved into what I called “contraction” – or depression, sadness, loss and grief of an idealized image that never was. Then with my self-introspection and growth… came Beauty, Love, Power, Compassion, and Light.
Some may say that this would be the easy part of life, but actually, you have to have worthiness of self to truly step into your own beauty, love, power and light. As I turn the first age that my father never got to turn (he died at the age of 42), I finally feel like I am worthy. Isn’t that what we all want? Worthiness, acceptance and love from ourselves.
When I am loved, I am more accepting of it. My heart is open to others and their love and gifts for me. I know how I feel when I give and I am joyful to allow others to give like I love giving.
So with all this said, I want to launch Women For One’s first “Day of GIVING”. Instead of birthday gifts this year, I ask from friends, acquaintances, and the universe, for a donation to Sammamish W2O’s next sponsored organization – Child Haven. This organization is a safe haven for children, and a healing place for families. Child Haven is a recognized leader in therapeutic childcare for the youngest victims of child abuse and neglect.
Please check out their site to see all the incredible ways they help children and families at www.childhaven.org
Also go to: www.sammamishw2o.giving.officelive.com to find out more about Sammamish W2O’s next event on October 22nd to benefit Child Haven.
Final Request: Women For One is challenging all of its readers! Let’s motivate our community together! Pass this onto as many readers as possible and ask your friends to donate a few volunteer hours, books or money to Child Haven through Women For One. Women For One will pass the funds and donated goods to Sammamish W2O’s event! Just email us at info@womenforone.com or kelly@womenforone.com and we will tell you how to donate! Together lets make the world a better place!

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