The wind
magnificent and shrieking,
like some wild woman,
unabashed and naked.
Her brow wet
with brine,
upturned to the most holy sky,
arms raised
in supplication
to a dying world,
all that is.
And she,
beneath Gods and Goddesses,
hair whipping wind,
eyes brazen,
brown and soft.
A touch of
madness and desire,
no human soul
Her howling
becomes one with the wind,
distress signals to the raiment,
the ancient raiment
that poets and sages
sat under and above
for millenniums.
Legs stretched
in front of her,
toes uncurled,
she lays back
allowing to be cleansed
by the pelting rain,
the dying winter,
the oncoming of spring,
a rebirth of births.
A eulogy to the past,
a welcome to the present,
an embrace to the future.
What it holds
is of no concern,
for she knows
where home is,
away from this society,
away from the busy-ness of life,
away from monotony
and dramatics,
away from this life
with triviality.
She is here
waiting for you,
to set you free
from chains
you have bound yourself with.
Whip your shoulders back,
allow them to fall.
Feel the weight
Grab her hand, willing,
pure and desirous.
Show her
how your soul
show her
how your eyes light up,
show her how you have released
from your very soul,
all the toxicity
of existence.
She is Earth, dirt,
rocks and stones,
limbs of trees,
mighty oaks and maples,
the birch and elm.
She is the silt of fault lines
holding this globe
She is the mighty maelstrom,
every season,
without apology.
She is you,
Come, come and relish this moment,
even if only once.
Dine as a human starved.
Sing of the grace bestowed upon you
for you are born to be supreme,
you are born with the ability to fly,
you are born with the gift to see
with six senses,
You are powerful in your wildness,
in your pure soul self.
She is here to tell you
to scream and cry,
until there is no speech,
to the skies,
to the clouds,
to the falling rain.
Let it wash upon you
like a sweet cool dream,
and come, come my dear soul.
Do not wait.
No hesitation.
Moments are fleeting.
She is here,
with you,
yet not eternal.
Hurry, hurry, dear!
She will share secrets with you,
teach you how to see
with eyes
that have no place
in the land of humankind.
Each blade of grass,
leaves of the trees of her mane,
like a thoroughbred racing, wondrous,
eyes staring, mad.
There is no finish line,
only now, here.
This moment.
Disrobe beneath this day.
Give thanks to the Great Creator,
to Mother Nature.
To the spirits that speak to you
in your dreams.
To the souls that have guided you
to this place,
this patch of Earth,
this precious time.
Bow your head in prayer,
dear soul.
For you are in the presence
of divinity.

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