Identity of a Woman
What is a woman?
Who is a woman?
Is it just about being female?
Is she someone with long hair?
Does she wear skirts?
How old is a woman?
Old enough to know what?
What does she know?
Secrets about being a woman?
About who a woman is?
What a woman is?
What she thinks?
What she feels?
What she does?
Am I a woman?
I don’t feel like a woman.
What does a woman feel?
Is she emotional?
Is she dramatic?
Is she wearing a dress?
Is she grown up?
All grown up?
Can she still feel young?
Does she feel pretty?
Does she feel powerful?
Is being a woman about power
Or empowerment?
I have been a mom, an athlete,
A child, a sister, and a wife…
I don’t ever remember being a woman
Or feeling like one.
Does a woman still have fun?
Does she laugh?
Is she comfortable in her own skin?
Is a woman about curves?
Long nails? Make up?
Is she “put together?”
Is being a woman about the outside?
Or what’s inside?
What is inside?
Am I a woman yet?
I don’t know.
What is a woman?
Is she nurturing?
Is she graceful?
Is there more?
Is it about feeling sexy?
Is it about loving myself and
The way I am?
Bumps, curves, and all?
Does it have anything to do with
The outside at all?
No? Then what?
How do I find her?
What do I do?
Where is she?
Why is it so hard?
Why don’t I know?
So many questions unanswered.
Is being a woman about acceptance of self?
As is, no questions, no doubts?
Just love, self-love?
Can it be that easy?
How do I become a woman?
How do I accept I am one?
How do I feel like one?
How do I know when I am?
How do I know when I become?
Why so much struggle?
So much pain?
So much fear?
So much doubt?
Where is the love of myself?
Where is the nurturing of myself?
Where is the acceptance?
Why is it so hard to let go?
To free myself to be a woman?
To be who I am
To accept who I am
To nurture who I am
To love who I am?
Is it because I worry about how others see me?
How can that be when I can’t even see me?
Is it because I have a picture in my head that is not reality based?
People talk about rose-colored glasses yet so many times I don’t have them on when I look in the mirror.
I have glasses that distort.
Why don’t I love?
Why don’t I trust?
I am so special and have so many gifts
As a woman.
Where is my acknowledgement?
Where is my knowing?
Where is my woman?
Am I one yet?
I still don’t know.
Ok. So I say to myself try this…
I am curvey
And I love that.
I am fun
And I love that.
I’m not very graceful
But I love that too.
I am sexy
And I’m getting used to that.
I am nurturing
And I’ve always known that.
I don’t do my nails,
I don’t wear skirts or dresses
I hate panty hose
And I love that.
I am an athlete in my heart
And that will never change
And I love that.
I am a mom, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a lover, a friend,
And I love that.
I have my struggles, my doubts, my fears
But I also have my own answers somewhere and I love that
My power, my humor, my love to give,
My doubts, my fears, my support, my challenges, my loyalty, my courage, my determination, my curves, my emotions
My mind, my wisdom, my intuition, and my acceptance
These are reasons
I am a woman because a woman is more than the outside.
A woman is a frame of mind,
A woman is belief,
A woman is confidence and faith
A woman loves herself unconditionally
A woman is a work in progress.
To the woman in you from the woman in me…
Love yourselves
Nurture yourselves
Accept yourselves
Honor yourselves
Each and every day.
We deserve it and we are worth it.

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