Integrity Is Authenticity
Integrity is authenticity. Nothing to fear. Integrity is not some external standard that is incessantly beyond reach, or a mark that we will miss akin to SIN which is: Separate, Identify and Name. Integrity is within us, and is not something to earn. Like grace, it is freely available if we choose.
Integrity is simply being wholly (who we truly are) without identifying ourselves exclusively through the masks and personas that we may hide behind. Authenticity is not so scary. Many spend their whole lives running from themselves and hiding inherent greatness behind projections.
Waking up to being exactly who we are, with total acceptance, can stop the exhausting marathon of avoidance. In the pause, if only for a moment, there is a meeting of the soul as our unique sole signature begins to express in an entirely new and liberated way. It becomes like breathing. Easy.
Integrity, as authenticity, brings forth joy from within. Nothing to do other than to be, integrate, and express from that natural whole state. Integrity.
Melissa Joy Jonsson
February 2014

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