The New Women’s Movement
Are you ready to heal the Feminine Wound and to come into UNITY with your POWER, your BODY, and other WOMEN?
It’s only through uncovering the mysteries that lie within yourself on every level—emotionally, spiritually, physically—that you can become aware of exactly what you want out of life, and how to become who you are here to BECOME.
That’s why I’m so excited to invite you to join my friend and colleague Anahita Joon’s upcoming online series, The New Women’s Movement. She has gathered the leading experts in feminine empowerment to give you the tools you need to reach a new understanding of who you are and how you can change your life, the lives of those you love, and yes, even the world!
Some of the topics covered include:
- Healing the Feminine Wound of Separation and coming into TRUE UNITY
- Awakening the feminine power within you
- Giving voice to your passions, and pursuing them
- Aligning your values with your actions to become ALIGNED in your leadership
- Balancing your masculine and feminine sides (this is a HUGE tool for massive success!)
- Knowing your value and setting boundaries (this POWERFUL practice aligns you with the highest energy of the universe and supercharges your ability to manifest your desires and goals)
And much more.
Anahita has dedicated her professional life to helping women realize all the beauty and power that lie within themselves, and showing them how they can use it to positively influence those around them.
This event is incredibly unique, as it was created to change YOUR life and to effect positive change on a global scale. It’s our chance to be a part of a GLOBAL awakening towards change, peace, and empowerment!

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