Permission Slip
Today is the day to live more authenticity. It’s too late for yesterday and tomorrow is so far off. Now is the perfect time to come to terms with who you are and shake off the shackles of denial. Yes, its scary to speak your truth. Yes, it will leave you vulnerable. But vulnerability is, in fact, what the world needs now. We are starving for it and we have been waiting with baited breath for you to deliver. Don’t you see how your fears and procrastinations have been holding up the whole show? So it’s time you play the part you have been called to play. It’s a little bigger than the game you have been playing so far, a little bolder and a little scarier, but for sure a lot more fun.
You can take this little note as your permission slip. Go for it. The Universe holds its breath in anticipation for your authentic entrance. The stage is set, the house is sold out and your spotlight is waiting. Don’t hold back.
Maureen Muldoon
Copyright © 2013 Maureen Muldoon, All rights reserved.

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