Pondering Pool
Pondering Pool is more than a card line, it’s a place where being different isn’t a flaw, but a blessing.
At the heart of the Pool are its sweet characters: quite imperfect, funny, relentlessly honest, and in various stages of struggle and healing. It was born for the most part in my sister Diane Hope’s living room, as a byproduct of the way we dealt with our issues—through humor and an incessant need to speak truthfully about the hard stuff. We allowed ourselves to play, braid our unraveled ends into beautiful bows, and wear them proudly. My exaggeration of the characters’ shortcomings, both physical and emotional, only made them more lovable. Like us, they’d be the first to laugh at themselves.
Creating Pondering Pool turned out to be very cathartic, not only for me and Diane, but much to my surprise, people throughout the world. For this, I’m deeply grateful.
Having known and loved someone that many considered to be different and scary, I feel it’s imperative to speak up. I’d love to help erase the stigma surrounding folks that don’t fit the norm, for whatever reason, so what’s noticed is their incredible gifts.
Pondering Pool offers 102 cards and posters, as well as Leaks, a book of drawings and prose from the deep end of the Pool. To order, visit www.ponderingpool.com.

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