The Art of Limitless Living
If only I had known then what you will soon discover in my newest book, The Art of Limitless Living—that the self-love, authenticity, and integrity I craved were already within me, waiting to emerge. If only I knew that within the field of my heart were all of the key codes necessary to live an extraordinary life—on my terms. If only I had known how to access this inner wisdom: How much self-abuse, recrimination, judgment, fear, and manipulation could I have avoided? What choices would I have made differently if I had loved myself and been my own best friend?
Perhaps you may wonder this, too, not just retrospectively, but now. What choices might you make differently now if you genuinely loved and appreciated?
What if the gap between who you truly are and how you have been conditioned to behave (be-have/act) could close? What if this gap could close between your inner self and your outer reality, and you could open to your own true authentic magnificence? This is possible for and available to everyone through the teachings shared throughout The Art of Limitless Living.
Although hindsight is often enlightening, there is little value in looking back to the past with regret. However, there is great value in recognizing that we perhaps did the best we could at the time, equipped with the information and resources we had during those experiences. But what if we could have more information now that could change how we relate to past experiences? More importantly, what if this information could be leveraged to significantly alter our current lives and future possibilities? This is indeed probable by applying the principles shared within the pages of this book. We can reconfigure life experiences in all directions.
If I had known back then that I would eventually become a public speaker, life transformational seminar instructor, author of multiple books, and personal empowerment coach to thousands of people around the world, I would have scoffed incredulously at the notion. That wasn’t me, I would have reasoned. I could never stand up confidently in front of hundreds of people and spontaneously and vulnerably speak for several days at a time, healing and transforming lives as I have healed and transformed my own. And yet, this is exactly what I do and have done so successfully for many years.
Indeed, a significant gap of time has elapsed between the teenager in an old photo and the person into whom I have evolved today. That gap in time was spent earning a degree in psychology, attending business school, cultivating a career in the pharmaceutical industry for more than a decade, and developing workaholic behaviors to boot.
This was followed by quitting my lucrative career, packing up all my belongings, and placing them in storage so I could move to Hawaii (to do nothing but sit on the beach and sell flower leis). One year later, I returned to all my “stuff” and also to my familiar, reliable, and safe pharmaceutical career. I moved 23 times in 15 years. Amid these changes, I cultivated new addictions and resumed old ones. I resigned again with finality from the pharmaceutical industry, got married, and moved again. I then divorced and moved again. Movement seemed like a solution that would help me. Yet, nothing could move (or fill) the void of emptiness I consistently felt within. I kept creating external changes in the hope that I would feel okay. Yet, wherever we go, there we are.
Ultimately, I was seeking to love and feel better about myself. Perhaps you can relate? Though the details of our life experiences, choices, and addictions may differ, maybe you have been on the move, looking for love in all the wrong places?
In retrospect, I recognize that I went through a series of dramatic acts that led to my unique story. But my story is now history (or “her story,” as I like to say), as today I am not who I thought I used to be.
And yet, who I used to really be is still who I am now—love and limitless potential. This never changes, no matter what. I just didn’t realize this. I now know I am love and limitless potential and that all is possible from the field of the heart. We all are love and limitless potential.
I have become my own best friend, embracing what I call my True Authentic Self and living according to the volition of my heart. I live and love via the art of limitless living, and teach others to do the same, in their own unique manner.
But my story is not what this book is about.
This book is about you (and me) in the shared WE experience. This book is about the power of living fully from our hearts, coupled with our minds, to experience the joy, power, and possibility of limitless living.
For more information about my work and to order The Art of Limitless Living, visit The Art of Limitless Living: The Joy, Possibility and Power of Living a Heart-Centered Life. We’d love to hear of your experience of reading the book on social media, using #ArtofLimitlessLiving.
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