The Book Baby is Coming!
Dear Soul Sister,
The book baby is coming!
After 4 years of writing (and 49 years of living) my book baby, Oranges for Eve: My Brave, Beautiful, Badass Journey to the Feminine Divine will be born on December 1, 2019! I know. I know. You can’t decide the exact date you want to have a baby, and only 1% of babies are actually born on their due date. “He’s never coming out,” I remember telling my mom on an early morning phone call five days after my son’s due date. And I kind of believed it.
It’s not that different when you birth a book. It begins as a dream and grows inside you. It has a heartbeat of its own and a singular cellular imprint. The thought of it can make you feel wildly excited or nauseous. Depending on the day. Or the time of day. And yes, it helps to eat saltines.
A book, like a baby, is a life force coming through you. It grows. It compels. And one day, (you pray) it will walk on its own and have an important story to tell.
This book baby is about my story, my spiritual journey. It’s brave. It’s badass. And I hope, dear sister, that you will find it (and yourself) ever more beautiful for having read it.
A little about me:
I was the senior rabbi at an unusual atheistic temple, the very congregation where I grew up. Seemingly at the height of my career, I collided with the board of directors in a crazy battle of wills that led me to resign. I went in search of God—a God that I could actually believe in. In searching for “Him,” I found “Her.”
A little about the book:
This is a story of self-discovery and the deep healing that every woman needs in her life. It is also the story of the most misunderstood woman in history: EVE.
For 2,000 years, feminine power has been shut down. But the time has come for women to stop ingesting the poisonous, bitter apples of old patriarchal lies.
We are taught that Eve was a sinner. But that is not true.
*Eve is the Mother of Spiritual Bravery. Eve was the first person to have the CAPACITY and AUDACITY to follow her own truth. Eve is the first heroine.
*Eve is also an energy field of Divine Feminine Energy that you can access to heal yourself.
[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bd0ZcVpRB3w” thumbnail=”https://img.youtube.com/vi/bd0ZcVpRB3w/0.jpg” title=”Oranges for Eve: My Brave, Beautiful, Badass Journey to the Feminine Divine Book Trailer” description=”The time has come for women to stop eating the poisonous bitter apples of old patriarchal lies!” upload_date=”2019-10-25″ duration=”3M21S” loop=”no” muted=”no” /]
Oranges for Eve is a manifesto of delicious feminine truth and sweet, juicy power.
Instead of poisonous apples and all the old bitter messages of shame, self-doubt, and competition (rather than collaboration between women), and the rejection of our bodies, we will eat juicy, sun-kissed oranges and nourish ourselves with all the messages of:
*Spiritual Disobedience
*Sweet Sisterhood
*Feminine Light
*Spiritual Bravery
Please join me in sharing this powerful, bold, even radical, message about feminine power, truth, light, and the recovery of the lost Feminine Divine inside and all around us.
Because Eve was no sinner.
Eve was a spiritual badass!
So are you.
Click here to order your copy.

With Love and Hugs,
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