Their Lies Her Story
Circling with her through time and tears
She begins to sound the same path.
No matter where she began,
Or with whom she walks,
Across language and culture,
She tells the same story.
Always the same story-
It is a triumphant tale.
It is sad. It is amazing.
The rape of her soul to her resurrection –
Losing to find.
Applaud her.
She deserves it.
She has overcome, the once upon a time:
There lived a beautiful goddess,
And men were kings and knew how to honor her gifts.
Until one day, they grew scared of her power,
And fooled her into believing she was weak,
And it was all her fault.
Slow and steady they crafted a wrong story.
It was the deadliest of weapons,
The worst of crimes,
Implanting self-doubt in her veins to keep her quiet.
In endless years of subtle brainwashing,
They covered her mirror,
They killed her power.
Always she was in the shadow of pain,
But mostly, for the loss of herself.
Till finally exhausted and spent,
She falls and bellows to the wind,
A rage, not heard by human ears-
“Who have I been listening to?
Certainly not the truth that burns inside my breasts.”
And she screams.
Mine is a goddess heart that beats with the divine,
That loves in gentleness with the angels,
That knows the magic to conquer all the hate in the land.”
Miraculously, through the centuries, she still held within,
her secret fire, an armored essence.
They underestimated the light in her that could never die.
They forgot that she would remember her ancient destiny,
To roar again like the lioness and save the world.
On her knees once more,
But this time victorious.
With gratitude for the beauty of her recovered soul,
That cost such a high price,
And was worth it.
This is her true story.
Her goddess quest to meet herself.
You don’t need to change the world,
The men, the government.
Just know your light.
Then you can reclaim your spirit,
And tell someone,and they can tell their girlfriends,
And their friends can tell the world,
And soon the lies in the history books,
And the media won’t carry the weight to keep us hating ourselves.
Instead the royal truth shall reign,
That women are and always will be the healing elixir of the planet.
This is her true story-
About a beautiful queen who took back her throne.
Audrey Hope

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