4 Things a Woman Should Stop Wearing After Becoming a Mom
Guilt. Pretending. Other people’s expectations. With her characteristic sense of humor, Kristina Kuzmic offers a refreshing alternative to all the “to-do” lists that get shoved down women’s throats. Check out her now-viral video below.
And while you’re at it, subscribe to her YouTube channel. Parents…If you’re looking to feel validated, to find humor even in the frustrating parts of life, to gain insight into various issues you can relate to, to feel normal and understood…Kristina’s videos are that go-to friend that really “gets” you.
More About Kristina:
Kristina Kuzmic has become a YouTube sensation with her “mom-centric” videos about raising children and juggling life’s challenges. With literally millions of hits for her videos, Kristina already has a voice and personality that has proven to be a hit with a massive audience. Her blog posts, which incorporate her unique insights on family-related topics, have been published on various websites, including Oprah.com and The Huffington Post.

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