Why I Really Teach Yoga
At the center of your being you have the answer;
you know who you are and you know what you want.
~Lao Tzu
I really teach yoga because I believe in your capacity to be extraordinary. I believe in your ability to feel clear and strong. I trust that you already know who you are and you know what you want. I trust that you know what you need to be happy. I have a sense that you are blocking yourself from realizing your potential. You are weighed down by life circumstances and entrapped by your thoughts. You are bombarded 24/7 with information about what to believe and how to live. You are overloaded with stuff to carry both in your mind and in your heart causing you to lose access to the answers that emerge from your center.
I really teach yoga in order to help you trust the voice that guides you from within and to help you directly experience your natural state at the center of your being. I want to support you in recognizing this center of your power so that you learn to trust it and move and speak from it—so that you allow yourself to live from this space where your potential emerges.
I really teach yoga because I deeply trust that you already have extraordinary capacities and I want to help you to recognize that you are already wise and powerful. I want to help you step beyond your busy mind where you are clear and present. I trust that, with commitment and practice, you can learn to drop your baggage and break free from your limiting thoughts. I know that with just a little support and a bit of guidance you will hear your wisdom that emerges from within and will touch the center of your being where you know who you are and you know what you want.

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