7 Tips To Inspire a Man’s Masculine Potential
If you are here reading this article, it’s likely you are someone desiring to be seen, respected, uplifted, and supported for your true power as a woman. You want to be honored—and not just for your body or physical beauty-, but your deep spiritual wisdom and your loving heart. You know that there is more to experience in connection, romance, and intimacy, and you can no longer settle for a situation that does not allow you to radiate your full power!
You are what I call an Elevated Woman.
You lift your pain and turn it into your power. You rise above victim consciousness, low-vibration jealousy, and superficial social media. You are beginning to see your value as an individual at a whole new level. You know you are unique and special because of the deeper unseen qualities of your true essence. You are ready to rock this world not only in your career, but in your love life, as well. You know that you can create anything if you do the internal work necessary to transform your fear, self-doubt, and trauma to rise up and become the most powerful “you” possible.
If you desire to be in a powerful equal partnership with a significant other, in order to create this new paradigm, we must create a safe and nurturing space for the men of the world to rise up alongside us.
Think about the men in your life who have loved and supported you unconditionally. Culturally, men have become the enemy in many ways, and yet they have the potential to be our greatest spiritual allies. Many men desire to be of service to the world in ways that utilize their great gifts—honorable leadership, powerful reason, and selfless guidance—as it is through this action and effort that they can realize their true masculine potential.
How can we support these men to grow into their own personal next level, as well?
- See him in his greatness: If a man feels that you see him and recognize him for his true power—the honor, integrity, strength, love, and power that are in his heart and body—he will continue to bring it forward and express it to you and the world!
- Be vulnerable: Your heart is your greatest tool to activate true masculine power in a man. Sharing your deepest thoughts and feelings about life is an invitation into your heart, and creates an emotional connection and bond. As you share your own feelings, you provide a safe space for a man to open up, as well.
- Acknowledge him – When a man feels recognized for his skills and his great gifts, he feels seen and respected! Just like we want to be seen for our inner beauty, men want to be acknowledged for their hard-work, discipline, and effort. Really express your appreciation for what his energy and presence bring to your life!
- Be dynamic – Feminine energy is dynamic and changing. If you allow yourself to be soft, fluid and spontaneous with a man, it will activate his divine masculine power to create structure, stability and direction. Your dynamic and unpredictable energy allows a man to experience his gift to create direction and order.
- Sit back and receive: Allow yourself to be fully supported by the men in your life. Lean on them and let them feel that you need them for their masculine gifts. They will love you for this, because you give them purpose and an opportunity to be in service to the beautiful divine feminine energy that they crave!
- Unconditional love: When a man in your life sees that you fully love and embrace yourself, he is set free to love you unconditionally, as well. He also feels that you will accept him for who he authentically is. This is extremely healing for a man’s heart, as he will feel deeply seen and loved by you.
- Rewire your thoughts: Know that you are worthy of what it is you desire, and be ready to step away if your experience does not reflect what you want. Don’t change for a man, but let him rise up to your desires and expectations. He will sense your self-respect and devotion, and he will evolve to meet you at your level.
It is our choice as women to hold strong to our vision of love for this world and to step up into our true feminine power, which includes the desire to understand, the grace to forgive, and willingness to show compassion and appreciation toward the men in our lives. Through this, we can work together with our greatest allies to paint a beautiful new picture for this planet. Click Anya’s website here for a free gift from her: http://eastwestinterviews.com/
So much love,
Anya Grace—Divine Feminine Mentor, Healer, Guide

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