Dancing in the Unknown
Are you ready to Dance in the Unknown?
Knowledge is Safe. (RIGHT?) To Know means we’re grounded, that we’ve got this, or does it? Is it possible that “knowing” is our silent killer? Is knowledge the key that has locked us into the darkest of dungeons?
What? I thought knowledge was a good thing….
One night under the stars, as I contemplated my life, its meaning and purpose, and why I am, where I am, why I’m doing what I’m doing, the word Knowledge dancing around in my head. I noticed that there are two words in that one big word…
Let that sink in….
The more I “know,” the closer to the “ledge” I am….
What ledge? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Ledges can go either way…ya know.
So how do we “know”?
We know by experience, our past, the moments we’ve lived. Even our ability to “know what we know” has been shaped by education, parenting, current affairs, selfies, cell phones. Our entire worldview is made up from our past, and we love that. We love to “know” our story.
Sometimes this is a good thing, as in…let’s not step in that cesspool again, that was nasty. And sometimes it’s because there was a feeling of safety, and yes, even if that safety was tainted with trauma and coping mechanisms, we made it safe. Safe is subjective, as in safe is what we feel when we “know.”
Knowing is so safe, in fact, that we’re prisoners of it. The notion of questioning our own institutions, our own “sacred cows,” is so frightening…The hanging around in the question of WHAT IF? is so ugly, dark, and uncomfortable, that we’d rather stay in the suffering of what “know.”
What happens when we jump off the ledge?
What happens if we ask WHAT IF?
Join me and many men and women from all walks of life who said “What if,” who faced sickness, death, divorce, and much of life’s traumas—and let go of their story, took a leap of faith, and danced.
The stories in this book are from real people who’ve asked, “What is knowledge? What if I didn’t know?” and stayed with it long enough to have a new experience and build new neuropathways, new institutions, and sacred cows that come from a deeper, more meaningful place. Learn how this impacted them so deeply that they cannot return to the “Known.”
They must Dance in the Unknown…
Because that is where life happens….
Get your copy of Dancing in the Unknown here.
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