Do Beautiful, Be Beautiful by Be Bold, Be Bald!
Women For One Community,
Here is an excerpt from the explanation around this video. The Wf1 team was moved beyond belief. Hopefully you will join in:
A story about little things being big things.
Small Army (smallarmy.net), a Boston-based advertising agency, reached out to me about their cancer foundation called Be Bold, Be Bald! (beboldbebald.org). The idea is simple: raise money and raise awareness by getting people to wear a bald cap on one day in a show of solidarity and support to those fighting cancer. Great campaign.
And they didn’t want to stop there. They wanted to create a promotional video that would further garner support. I was excited when they asked me and so were they. The creative energy flowed through a few brainstorming sessions and after scrapping an initial testimonial approach we all decided a narrative story would be the best way to show what Be Bold, Be Bald! was all about.
And they’ve been so successful that in their three years Be Bold, Be Bald! has already raised almost half a million dollars.
We approached this by conveying the emotions of the cancer foundation through a young boy’s adventure coupled with a strong ending which ties it all together. What we’ve done is created a story that dances between the lines of reality and fantasy; a magical journey that has real merit. A story you hope to hear on the news but could happen next door. A story about little things being big things, and the simple acts of kindness that could change the world.
I teamed up with my go-to collaborator, Kristyn Ulanday (ulandayphoto.com), while Small Army reached out to colorist Rob Bessette (finishboston.com/#!rob/) over at Finish Editorial in Boston (finishboston.com/) and during all this Small Army’s very own Steve Kolander (kolander.com/) was writing and performing the music which was then produced by Ravi Krishawami down in NYC at Co-Pilot (copilotmusic.com/home.html).
Without any budget, I think we did a pretty good job and I’m proud to have been a part of it.
– Max Exposito

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