Get Out of Your Way and Find Your Voice Through Writing

Truthteller Leslie Caplan has been healing herself through writing since she was a young girl dealing with an intensely volatile childhood. Writing became a safe haven that led her to form a deep and trusting relationship with herself, her voice, and her inner wisdom. Leslie now supports both professional and beginning writers in using the power of the written word to open up and break free. She discusses how to use writing prompts as a springboard for inspiration, and a way to jostle stuck emotions. Once you build the muscle to write freely without censoring yourself, you can step out of the way and allow the magical alchemy of your creativity to take over.

click to tweet “Everything I was terrified to say, I funneled into writing and it was a safe place.” – Leslie Caplan

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About the Author | Leslie Caplan

Leslie Caplan is a fiercely courageous heart who has found her strength and voice through the alchemy of writing. She is a powerful advocate for writers, and uses the depth of her skill and innate abilities to guide writers deeper into their stories. An editor, writing coach and internationally published writer, Leslie brings it to real with an unwavering passion for authenticity. You can find her at her

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2 comments to "Get Out of Your Way and Find Your Voice Through Writing"

  • Loretta Hill

    Your courageous voice “cuts through the brain and goes straight to the heart”. Your suggestion using prompts may be just what I need to start journaling. Thank you for using your experiences to help others of us get on our own healing journey.