Lessons From My Mom
Ever since I was a little girl I remember being an organizer and loved having small projects to work on. Some of my dearest childhood memories were spending summer days at my Mom’s flower shop. I would go in early every morning with her and spend the entire day asking “What can I do next?!” I would sweep the floor, wash the buckets, clean and prep the flowers, and as I got older, even organize the displays in the front window. I found that I enjoyed running around working and being busy because that was all I ever saw my Mom do. I loved knowing that I was a helping hand to my Mom.
I find myself, to this day, still trying to help my Mom out whenever I can. Whether it be doing the dishes, cleaning up around the house, or just organizing anything and everything around the house for her.
I never really realized the work ethic I had developed until a friend pointed it out to me after working as her nanny and assistant. As I think back to where I got it from… and I feel it must have come from my Mother. On a slow week she works 40 hours on her feet and then comes home to not only be an amazing wife and a mother, but also a grandmother to my niece. I am 23 years old and have never once heard her complain about a single thing. She is the most optimistic person and has the strongest work ethic of anyone that I’ve ever met. Looking back, I feel so fortunate to have picked up this amazing trait from watching her throughout my life.
I am truly inspired by her optimism and her positive outlook on everything in life. I hope this mannerism stays with me and that I will fully blossom into the amazing person that she is.
Emily Cheney
With Great Respect and Love,
Kelly McNelis Senegor
Women For One

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