Million Mamas Manifesto
Let us honor this sacred path of Mothering. This is the time for us to join together in sisterhood and brotherhood from a place of peace, love, truth, and inspired action. Let us stand together in service to what we want to see rather than what’s not working. This is our message to world leaders that all women, especially the mamas and children, families and the ones who care for our children are honored in our world.
The Constitution begins with We, the People. The Million Mamas Manifesto begins with ….
We, the Mamas, resolve to evolve..
a world where we have freedom over our own bodies and our lives ..
a world where every child is safe, fed, housed, clothed, loved, educated and celebrated..Address one, we bump into the others..
a world where compassionate parenting and empathy is the way..
a world where every child is our child..
a world where taking care of the children means taking care of the mamas..
a world where men are an integral and invaluable part of caring for the women and children providing a container of love, support and action ..
a world where we embrace our “seeming” differences with compassion and empathy ..
Imagine a million mamas, mothers and others, joining together for peace, information and celebration. All of us gathering to launch the Million Mamas Movement, a global movement to inspire, empower and engage mothers and others to bring greater peace to the planet for our children, ourselves and the next 7 generations. Let’s actively participate in the creation of a kind and just global society, where maternal well-being, women’s rights and children being fed, housed, clothed, educated and loved is as natural as breathing.
I stand on the shoulders of so many mothers and others who have inspired, uplifted and seen in me what I could not see in myself at the time. Some have helped me midwife this vision. Some will be present at the Million Mamas March and some will remain in my heart eternally. There are those I know personally and those I know in consciousness. Thank you Michael Bernard Beckwith, Rickie Byars Beckwith, Marianne Williamson, Dalai Lama, Julia Ward Howe, Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi, Kathy Eldon, Deborah Wilder, Gurmukh, Davi Khalsa, Ibu Robin Lim, Venerable Dyani Ywahoo, Grandma Twylah Nitsch, Tzadik Rosenberg-Greenberg, Beth Bontley, Snatum Sat Kaur, Celeste Ray, Jody Eisenmann, Norma Eckroate, Mary Good, Judith Owens-Lancaster, Carrie Gebbie, Lora O’Connor, Dawn Koss, Dee Turkali, Suzi Kesler Lula, Lissa Sprinkles, Hon. Diane Watson, Bev Bos, Jesse Koren, John and Joie-May Silvers and so many more.
I am deeply grateful and thankful for you and to you for your participation in this global movement of peace called the Million Mamas Movement.
Peace and blessings,
Wendy Silvers
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