The Playbook: Creating the Life You Want
The Playbook: Creating the Life You Want is written as a fun, clear guide to looking at both the forest (your whole life) and the trees (specific areas of your life). The sections of the book cover the major areas of life we all deal with:
• Relationships
• Work
• Home
• Health
• Money
• Contribution
• Fun and Recreation
• Spiritual Life
• Master Plan
This book came out of conversations with clients who wanted to know how to keep making progress toward their dreams while between coaching sessions or if they weren’t actively in coaching at the time. I strongly believe that a big part of my job as a coach is to give the women I work with the tools to coach themselves; this book is part of that. Because this is a book about doing, I call those working through The Playbook “creators” rather than “readers.” Engaging with The Playbook is a fun and active process of answering thought-provoking questions, planning, and “envisioning trees,” with lots of room to color and doodle.
The prompts and envisioning trees lead you through a process of looking at where your life is working well and where it isn’t what you want it to be. To create the life that you want, you must have not only a clear vision but also an understanding of where you are now. If you want to get somewhere, you have to know where you are starting from. The Playbook grounds you in the present as it leads you to creating the future you want.
Often, we get blocked in our efforts to change and grow because we hold conflicting ideas without even being aware of it. Imagine that your family always struggled with money and that struggle kept you all close as you figured out, together, how to make do. It can be easy to unconsciously believe that money will separate you from those you love. If you don’t recognize that unconscious fear, attaining your money goals can be sabotaged.
The Playbook allows creators to put their dreams for their whole life in one place, so that they can see the big picture. Too often we look at life as a collection of boxes. We have the work box and the family box, the health box and the relationship box. But our life isn’t a collection of boxes. Rather, all those parts of our life are more like the branches of a tree. When we can look clearly at all the major areas and see where we are in each one, things begin to change. We might notice that our fun and recreation to work ratio is way off, or maybe we are sacrificing time with family to our work. And what about our health or our home? Are we taking care of the body that is our vehicle in this world? What about the home we live in? Is it a place of peace and comfort, or a place of stress? To create the life we really want, we need to bring all those elements together.
Most books engage just one side of the brain. By bringing together both the logical left brain and the creative right brain, The Playbook engages the whole self. Imagine what your life would look like if all the pieces worked together. The Playbook is a place to build your vision and lay the foundation for that fulfilling life.
Gaining clarity about what we truly want from life, recognizing where we hold conflicting beliefs so that we can overcome them, making our plan, and then putting it into action is what it’s all about. If that’s what you’re looking for, then The Playbook: Creating the Life You Want is the guide you’ve been waiting for.
Get your copy of The Playbook here.
From Women For One Founder, Kelly McNelis:
“The Playbook gives you practical, but incredibly useful, tools and tips for identifying what you need in order to get where you want to go in life. Omkari Williams delivers everything in a clear, but playful way so that you can let your imagination run wild while you create a practical plan for your dream life.”

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