Sitting At A Table Decorated With Memories…I Am Grateful
This Thanksgiving, I was setting my table with Grandma’s china and as I wiped off the years dust on a dish, I was caught off guard when I saw her reflection looking back at me. I had to smile.
As I gather together these eclectic items of the past, memories flood and my emotions heighten. My Aunt’s crystal wine glasses add color and contemporary interest to the otherwise muted and autumn colors of refinement before me. Seemingly out of contrast to the color pallet world of perfection, she still has her way and wins my heart to join us at the table with her zest and indulgence! My silverware has been collected (or better stated: retained) over the years. The settings and patterns are different from one another, and everything else at the table, which I have either inherited from family, a garage sale or the local thrift shop. Yet, as much as they differ, they are purposeful and well suited for individual places.
My tablecloth is an old white damask pattern that was starched and pressed by my Grandma before and after holiday meals, and the evidence of the delicious meals we had are obvious by the stains I uncover as I spread it over the table. My salt and pepper shakers were my other Grandma’s, and after she passed away my sweet Aunt gave them to me. Grandma was a “salt of the earth” kind of woman, so they are truly fitting. My center piece is all about Mother. She always had a cornucopia with fresh fruits and nuts exploding with discipline and grace, along with flowers and candles.
I love my table’s imperfections. I love the story and conversations it brings.
It transcends those we love into our presence and allows us to be grateful for all we have as we come together as a family.
Elizabeth Board

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