The Looking Glass
I’m not certain when the first time I noticed was, and I can’t really recall precisely when I looked deeply into the mirror and barely recognized the mature woman gazing back. I’ve kindly studied her face, in awe of her personal accomplishments congealed with exceptionally clear memories from thousands of yesterdays that graciously lead to this new day.
Unimaginably, the swiftness of passing decades has created a exhilarated castle to house my youthful mindset. The softness of a young complexion is now carved with trails of endless laugh lines exposing openly the best of my life story. The young lady remains tucked within my aging boundaries, steadfast and free, appreciative and grateful, compassionate and sporting a fresh clarity for each new gift of another morning’s blessing, offering new challenges and pathways of choice.
This older women is respectfully my very great friend and I look forward to future decades of growing old and remaining young together.

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