The One I Have Been Waiting For

No, it is not the one I had been crazy about,
Or the one I thought I couldn’t live without.
It sure as hell is not the one who did not see the magic in my fiery eyes.

The one I have been waiting for,
She has been here all along.
I had chased her in my wildest dreams,
Now I hold her in my arms.

She was a silent voice in life’s deafening storms.
She whispered words of courage when I was down on my knees.
She has loved me unconditionally.
The one I have been waiting for.

She is the heroine.
The one to rescue me,
Keep me until the end of time.

She gives me wings to fly.
The one I have been waiting for.

She has healed my every wound with her soft touch.
She embraces my every scar.
She has been here all along.
The one I have been waiting for.

She is kindness,
She is compassion,
She loves beyond any boundary.
She is a flame,
A burning fire inside of me.

She is the light in the dark corners of my soul.
She is happiness in its purest form.
She is love.
The one I have been waiting for.

I ran through space and time,
Searched for her in this crazy world.
She has been inside me all along.
The one I have been waiting for.

Ersa Llakmani

About the Author | Ersa Llakmani

Ersa Llakmani is pursuing her passions in writing and architecture. She is a dreamer, lover, and fighter—a hopeless romantic. Ersa is a sucker for marathons, Spartan races, and boxing. She has been writing from a very early age in her native language, Albanian. She finds inspiration in nature, people she encounters in her travels, everyday human struggle, love, and life. She is an untamed soul, a unique event in the universe.

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