The Power of the Pause
Dear Powerful Woman,
Today is a peaceful day. It is joyful and filled with such gratitude for me. I turned 47 years old last week and I am still here! I see so much pain and suffering in the world, and I am choosing – for today – to step into peace, gratitude, and joy in my life.
Every day, I ask myself a simple question: What brings me peace and joy in the moment I’m in? Is it my kids’ presence? Is it my new pup? My relationships? Usually I can attribute some of my happiness to them, but truly, I have a choice every moment of every day to decide what I want to feel.
The fact is, we all do.
Lets choose peace, joy, and gratefulness – and give it out in service to the world as much we can. We all need some love. Personally, I can’t get enough. But make sure you give yourself that lovin’ first with your self-talk, what you choose to do each day, and who you choose to interact with.
A wise friend told me this past weekend that anytime she is invited to an event or asked for something, from a simple dinner to a large event, the first thing she does is pause. She tells the person that she will let them know, and then she checks in with her intuition to truly know if she wants to commit to it or not. If her heart says no, she does not question it, and she offers no explanation.
Imagine if we could all do this more! Just one more percentage of peace and joy in our lives! I told her that I would try her exercise for the next 10 days.
How about we try it together? Tell me how it feels to say no and feel good about it. Tell me how it feels to say no and feel bad about it. Comment below with your experience of the pause. Let’s get the conversation going at Women For One!
Love to you all! But more importantly, give yourself some good ol’ lovin and permission to pause.

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