Forgiveness Is the New “F” Word
As the new managing director for Women For One, I am realizing more and more the importance of sharing your story. We get stories every day from women across the world. They share their struggles, their triumphs, and their hearts. Most of them write to us after their story has been published about how freeing the experience has been for them. The art of sharing your story with other people, whether written or spoken, is so incredibly empowering and freeing.
In honor of Pride Day and Pride Month, I am sharing the below video with each of you. Letting you into who I am and into my heart as a gay woman from Mississippi. This is about my experiences, my pain, my process of forgiveness, and my freedom. After telling my story on stage, I felt freer than I ever had before. In fact, one of my greatest heroes, Desmond Tutu, wrote to me with this comment after watching the video: “I send you Meagan my most fervent blessings. May God uphold you in all the splendid work you do for God and for God’s children.”
When we share our stories, we free ourselves, and we free a part of the world. Please consider sharing yours with us today, either here on our site or on stage at our next live Truthteller Tour.
[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msaM7DGT9qM” /]

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